Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Fri 1st June - Cricklade to Ewen

We walked 10.5 miles today though the book claimed it was only going to be 8 - maybe the path/route has changed in the meantime? In retrospect, apart from the occasional fallen tree most day's walking has been relatively easy. But today, almost as soon as we had left the outskirts of Cricklade, we had some boggy ground to negotiate and a flooded path to cross - then a very over-friendly horse to deal with who followed us for 50 metres or more no more than six inches away. The paths through the Cotswold Water Park were flat and easy to use - a far cry from the overgrown ones of a couple of days ago. We stopped in Ashton Keynes for drinks and the White Hart passed the elderflower test - then had lunch on a bench by the memorial. The remainder of the walk became harder going as some parts began to become overgrown. And as we approached Ewen itself, the ground underfoot changed. It became very boggy in places, then we found ourselves having to negotiate a flooded path - only a few inches of water but enough to make you pick your way more carefully. However, there was a way through via the woods alongside so we didn't have to turn back. The path cleared for a short while but we were then faced with huge puddles of water and thick mud barring our way. We got past by walking along the side hanging onto the fence - the man living nearby told us we were lucky .. last week it had been under a foot of water.

The river has now narrowed to as little as 10 feet across but still seems to be 3-4 feet deep. We are unsure what tomorrow holds - we don't know if the path will be muddy or flooded like people have been telling us along the way. However, even if we have to paddle the last part we're determined to get there. And it will be so nice to finish and get home so we don't have to live out of a rucksack anymore! :)

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